Friday, October 19, 2007

Pimple/Puerto Ricans/Bugs.

Last night when I was standing in front of the mirror after my shower I noticed a reddish bump on my shoulder, right at the end of the tip of my collarbone. It looked like a deep pimple, so I squeezed it gently and right away like three-pinhead's worth of drab gray stuff gushed up all at once and just sat there on shoulder till I wiped it away with my finger and washed my hands. I think the pore got blocked deep down, and so it didn't form a head like usually happens with a pimple.

One of the touching things in the Puerto Rican neighborhood I went to last weekend was all the lavandarias I was seeing everywhere. I'm used to seeing fruiterias and carnicerias, and you expect those, since even the poor have to shop somewhere, but I found it touching to think that even in the middle of the ghetto you have people who love flowers. Too often we think the poor should just get by and have no joy in their lives, but when you think about it, they're people like us too, and why shouldn't they deserve flowers on their kitchen table?

Last night when I finally got home and was taking my massive shit -- bits of corn in it from the cob I had had earlier in the day -- I was sitting on the toilet when I saw this dark thing moving alongside the outside edge of the bathtub. It was a silverfish, about 2.5 inches long, so I leaped off the toilet (luckily no shit dangling; had just finished a movement) and killed it with the toe of my sandal I had on. I'm lucky that the big ones move slow; they're the most disgusting ones, but fortunately they're also the easiest to kill.

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