Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Third day back at work:

1) When it's slow later in the evening, I'm back in the kitchen and I hear the (Guatemalans) calling out and talking to each other and laughing in their (native) language. The one (Guatemalan) guy who started the diablo joke then starts being extremely open about his language, and he asks me if I want to learn "How are you?", and he teaches me that and the reply "Good."

2) Later, when I'm back in the kitchen again the (Guatemalan) guy who started the diablo joke has to re-teach me the reply, and when I practice with him and ask "How are you?", he replies, "Good, old man," and I catch him on that, and he's flummoxed at how I knew that word, and then I praise the one other (Guatemalan) worker who's there who taught me the equivalent of "Hola senor" in their language, and I say in (Spanish) that he's a good professor and he taught me well, and they laugh at that, and how I called him professor, but they don't laugh in a mean way.

3) My one (older) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phone reveals that a lot of times when we have to decide on our staff meal, she votes for the basil fried rice because the one (tall) (skinny) (Latino-American) guy who just graduated high school really loves it, and he "needs support" in order to get his choice to go through.

She also said that a number of years ago there was a (Thai) cook who'd go on a day off to this riverboat casino like over an hour away, and he'd play all night and then come back to work the next day and be all tired because he hadn't slept, and once he tried sleeping during work and went to go sleep in the back storeroom, and the (husband) owner found him there and yelled at him.

She said he wasn't a good worker, too, and would always try to push off work onto other people.

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