Sunday, June 16, 2019

Surprise of another (Tibetan) coworker: Soka Gakkai.

The other week I was talking with my one (male) (Tibetan) coworker, and after he said he never reads books, he said that the Dalai Lama has some really good books, and he started telling me about them.

I then told him about the one book I was reading "In the Closet of the Vatican," and that they had this story about a Colombian cardinal who was incredibly depraved and would not only hire male prostitutes, but would also beat them up after having sex, just because, or maybe because he was sadistic and it turned him on, even after he had already ejaculated.

(I left that last detail out, when I told him about the cardinal beating up male prostitutes.)

And, Pope Francis sent his body back to Medellin from Rome, and it's there in the cathedral behind a fence because people are worried that gay prostitutes or their families might come in and vandalize the tomb if just anybody could get to it.

"Oohhhh," he was like, and then he clucked his tongue a lot, just purely and genuinely dismayed at how evil that man's behavior was.

He then asked me what I knew about Buddhism, and I said some, and then I started talking about Soka Gakkai, which he hadn't heard of and which made him very surprised.

"You chant something and you get it?", he was like.

"That's what they say," I was like.

"Use your sense," he was like, "If that was true, everyone would come and chant and get everything they want and everyone would come there and the whole world would do it, and that's impossible."

"But that's what they say and they think," I was like.

He just didn't even know what to think of it, and was surprised that it was a thing.

So, he pulled out his smartphone and I spelled the name out for him, and he began reading the Wikipedia entry for Soka Gakkai.

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