Monday, January 28, 2013

Mi espanol borracho ("My drunken Spanish").

A few weeks ago I hit up 4 new bars (and then a Russian bakery with cheap, great meat-and-potato pies!) before going to a concert of the band run by my one (white) colleague by Mississippi.

I got there after they had already started, and I saw that a professor from Spain, a post-doc from Spain, and a Frenchwoman that he chums with were there, and I ran into the professor from Spain when I was in the drink line.

"Hey [the professor's name]!", I was like, "!Feliz ano bueno!".

Then, I was like, "Fuck, I mean, 'nuevo, nuevo'.  What the fuck did I just say, 'Happy good year!'?".

"Yeah," he was like, laughing.


Anonymous said...

You do realize that you also forgot an ñ (año) ...:) ¡Saludos! L.

el blogador said...

I pronounced it with one! I just don't know how to make one when typing, saddly.