Saturday, March 31, 2012

Another dream.

I dreamt that same night that my one friend who delivers singing telegrams had a cat who was giving birth, and I had to go into the California hills to meet her roommates and arrange everything so the cat could give natural birth underwater.

I then had an image that n the sea, these tiny miniature hairless kittens were floating about.

Then, I was in the room, with one of those kittens grown, who had the nails from its front paws in my arm, and was swinging and looking me in the eye in an almost human way, and I knew it had been a (female) (human) gymnast in a past life.

Then, I was napping, and the cat was next to me, nuzzling in a disturbing way.

Later, I went back down to the sea, and discovered that my one friend who delivers singing telegrams, a (female) friend from high school, and others, had spent time on the pier enjoying themselves, getting ice cream, etc.

I was sorry that we missed that, but then we were in a boat going between huts built on poles and suspended very close to the surface of the lake, and thinny Javanese-looking women were beating on drums for us as a tourist schtick.

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