Thursday, January 14, 2010

Krunk and the Dutch.

A Dutch guy from my program and his wife (no, they are not my one Dutch friend, or the one friend of my Dutch friend, who is also Dutch, or my one Dutch prof) were asking my one (white) friend from Mississippi about krunk karaoke and want to come.

This Dutch guy is also the one who I was telling that his country was backwards with race when I came back from my one Dutch friend's wedding.

So, I told my one (white) friend from Mississippi that they could come, only as long as they didn't try to oppress any minorities, since they are in America and that is not okay here, and then I texted the same to the Dutch dude (no response yet).

My friend texted me back we should have a sit-down with them to clear up anything before we expose them to that much blackness.

I texted him that I just hope they don't call everyone Rufus and Erma.

He texted me we should make a list, so, all day I sent up sit-down points as I thought them up:

#1 - No pointing and laughing if you see black people eating chicken wings.

#2 - No saying "I can dig that" in an attempt to be "with it".

#3 - No complimenting singers by telling them that they're naturally musical and have the drums of Africa in their blood.

I am still thinking of more advice. The faux pas's they could make are endless. The Dutch don't realize how racist they are, they're on so much drugs all the time.

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