Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whole Foods Checkout.

On Sat. when I was biking downtown w/my neighbor who I volunteered on the Obama campaign with in Indiana, on the way back, we both stopped at Whole Foods since she needed to return something, so I went in and while she did some shopping too, I went to go look at coffee cans, and then I went around for free samples, and I couldn't find her, so I ended up circling the store 2 more times and hitting my favorite samples again.

When I finally found her near the checkout, I got in line too near this younger (black) girl, and she asked me how I'm doing, and I was like, "Good, I lost my friend and ended up roaming the store and eating samples!", and she was like, "Then you having a fun time, then."

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

That's fantastic.