Thursday, August 9, 2007

Yet more about the Great Porn Debate...


Ron Jeremy was saying he could make it as a slob because he was in heterosexual porn and it didn't affect his body image any, but the really fucked-up male stars are in gay porn, because that's where you have to have a body like from Chippendale's.

The pastor is travelling with his wife and kids on the bus, and he was saying Ron Jeremy is really good with them and puts them to bed even. I guess Ron Jeremy has a masters in education, even.

In the audience there was this tall old guy who stood up to ask a question, and he read off an index card about how 90% of porn movies are crap and then segued into how he's never been in a regular sexual relationship and then asked what they thought could be done to help people be ready to enter into loving adult sexual relationships. When the pastor said something, the guy yelled out, "Oh yeah, and I bet everyone needs to be saved by Jesus Christ!" After the pastor said a little more, the guy started saying something about pedophilia that I couldn't hear and the audience gasped, and the moderator who looked like Ryan Seacrest started talking over him and going into the next question.

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