Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Brigham Young on creationism.

It turns out that among Mormons, Brigham Young was a lot less dogmatic about certain biblical points than others. To demonstrate this, Joel Barlow's Mormons and the Bible quotes Brigham Young on p. 92, from "stenographic notes from an unpublished sermon of October 8, 1854":

When the Lord had organized the world, and filled the earth with animal and vegetable life, then he created man... Moses made the Bible to say his wife was taken out of his side -- was made of one of his ribs. As far as I know my ribs are equal on each side. The Lord knows if I had lost a rib for each wife I have, I should have had none left long ago...


JUSIPER said...

Plus he made good ice cream.

el blogador said...

His wives churned it.