Thursday, August 9, 2007

My mother's worried about my drinking.

My mom has been growing older and so has been getting on my back more about shit she never used to. Lately, she's been worrying if I've been drinking too much, so in response to an e-mail from her yesterday, I wrote:

Will write more later -- don't have energy now. Spent all morning cleaning myself off after waking up in a puddle of my own vomit.

--[my name]

Today she wrote back:

Why do you continue to torture your mother? She loves yah!!!!!!

She should be thankful that I'm not popping Quaaludes like Richard Carpenter in his prime.


JUSIPER said...

Do you really drink that much?

el blogador said...

Actually, I drink a lot, but never by myself. I'm what you'd call "a social drinker" -- if I'm out with people, I'm drinking. I'm trying to master the art of not getting hammered while still being sociable.

JUSIPER said...

Ah, like me with coffee.