Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cleaned up my apartment today.

I cleaned up my apartment today because a friend's little brother is coming through town and needs to spend the night, and the place was covered in dust. After sweeping, it still took 2.5 Swiffers (counting both sides of each pad; I flip over the pad and use it so I don't waste anything) to clean up the dust from 3 weeks of open windows and then three weeks of closed windows during vacation. I also found a dead roach, which I don't understand how that happened -- I never leave food out, and the place is immaculate. Maybe it crawled up through the dried-up drains when I was gone, and then starved to death because it couldn't find any food in my absence?

Also, one wooden chair I had got scratches on it, so my dad had recommended I use a paper towel dipped in olive oil to wipe over the scratches to disguise them. I did that, and then over all the scratches in the hard-wood flooring where the tenet before me, a porn-loving silent Asian type, had left them from his furniture over the course of his five years in the apartment. Even around the doorposts where he had spilled some liquid and let it set, which you can tell because the stain was massively discolored, the olive oil worked wonders.

After I had spread olive oil over a good portion of the floor, only then did I wonder if I was providing food for future roaches.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

Roaches love drains.