Thursday, August 23, 2007

Coffee: New can, almost destroyed my espresso maker this morning.

I got a new coffee can yesterday, this Italian brand I've never seen before from a yuppie market I stopped into yesterday before meeting some friends to go hear some music. It's an attractive silver with red accents, and brings my collection up to fifty-two cans.

This morning I had my espresso maker on the stove and I went to do something in the living room and then decided to take a shit -- it was probably from all the baba ghnoush that I rescued last Friday and have been eating pretty consistently; the shit itself was just a shade tanner than the baba ghanoush, and a little more stickier-consistent, though it smelled nothing like mint with a hint of tahini -- and the next thing you know, I'm wiping my ass and the espresso maker's burbling like no other. I ran out to turn off the gas on the stove and everything was fine, but when I went to clear out the grounds they smelled a little burnt, so you can tell the espresso maker was overheating.

(Years ago I destroyed my first espresso maker because I was hung over and forgot to put water in. I kept thinking where was the coffee and why it was taking so long, and the next thing you know I smell burnt rubber and when I go to take the handle to take it off the stove the handle gently broke off, since the plastic was so over-heated.)

(Also, back at my old house, the stove was of such a lesser caliber that I could put on the espresso maker and take a shit, and it would just start burbling when I came out. My stove now is so strong that I have to watch the espresso maker like a hawk.)

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

So your mom's wrong--you've had an alcohol problem for years!