Saturday, July 28, 2007

Incidentals from my visit with my grandparents.

Hungarian sounds funny since there's only one stressed accent per word and it always falls on the first syllable, which makes it sound pretty funny if it's a borrowed word or a really long word. So, when I asked my grandfather what the Hungarian word for "porch" is, he was like, "It's a nice Hungarian word, 'VEY-rahn-dah'" (veranda). Also, he gave a two-pack of Metamucil to my dad that he got for cheap somewhere, and so he was talking to him in Hungarian and somehow incorporated the pronunciation "MEH-tah-moo-seal" in his sentence.

Also also, my grandfather is recording our family history from 1940-1949 on tapes that he's duplicating and giving to everyone. He finished the eventful years, 1945-1949, already, and he's starting on the earlier period now. When it's done, it should be two tapes front and back.

Also also also, he told me a couple stories from when they were living in Germany. In the one rural town they were living in, everything was under American control and had been for some time, but no Americans had been there yet, and then word got out that some officers were coming to visit, so the mayor and a couple officials came out with a white flag as a welcoming committee, only when the American officer peeled up in a jeep, he kept saying, "Eier, eier" to them, and they were confused until someone sent to a farm for some eggs, which they gave in a basket to the soldiers, who then drove away. It turns out that my grandfather later found out that soldiers got good breakfast rations in everything except eggs, which they got in powdered form, so the officers must have made a trip out to the country just to get fresh eggs. He also told me about another time that he went fishing with an American soldier, who just chucked a grenade in a river and let it blow up and then just picked up a couple of stunned fish to cook.


JUSIPER said...

That's a good story. We hear about your grandparents very rarely.

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