Sunday, June 16, 2024

A dream from the other month.

The other month, I dreamnt –

I’m in this simple church with a tan interior, like simple tan limestone and then tasteful wood benches, and like no decorations at all in it not even a crucifix, even though it’s a (Catholic) church, and somehow it’s in (Italy) and there’s some but not that many people there, and during a break in the service a(n older) lady comes up to me and somehow I know she’s from Sicily, and she takes me to an alcove and there’s like an interior room there where it opens up into a small historic shrine for a special form of the Virgin Mary that is important to where she comes from, and she wants to show it to me, but somehow I don’t follow her in there because I’ll go after the service is ending, and then when it’s that time, the door is locked again, and so I never get a chance to go in.

(. . .)

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