Saturday, June 22, 2024

Some customers from the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

A(n older) (white) couple where the woman has (thin) (pale) skin and (frizzy) (curly) (gray-brown) hair and a (blank) (shellshocked) face like Laura Palmer’s mother on Twin Peaks, and the (cleancut) man has a (clenched) ex-military vibe, where he wants red wine but only if it’s fresh, and we give him something opened recently, and he tries it and he immediately says can we open a new bottle, and he then says that the owners should buy vacuum pumps for the wine so they don’t waste it, and it turns out that he owns a (finer dining) establishment nearby and he knows the owners, too, and, also, they have super-specific add-ons to the order, where the man wants “half” of the amount of onions that are usually put into the fried rice he’s getting, and then the woman, who isn't saying all that much, assents to what he has and asks for the same “half” amount of onions in hers, too, to save trouble, she adds, haltingly.

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