Saturday, August 22, 2009

Idyllic swimming.

On Monday when I finally got to the beach near my house around 6:45pm after having wanted to go swimming all day, it started drizzling, but since I had a book with me (Gregory of Nyssa's Life of Macrina) and it wasn't that bad, I sat under a tree on my towel and red, and there was practically no one around and I could watch the rain on the lake, which was very nice.

Then, after like 30-40 minutes, it cleared up, and the sun blazed through the clouds, and all of a sudden to the right was this giant full rainbow, and the sunset was this blazing yellow, and the city was visible against the water and the dark clouds north of it, and so I called to this early 40s black couple sitting on a park bench under the tree and facing away from the rainbow to turn around and take a look at it -- they did and yelled back a big "thanks!" -- and then I went swimming then with all that in the sky as my background.

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