Friday, July 31, 2009

The Swingers's BBQ (21 of several): More from the rough blonde woman.

So, at some point prior to this, I had gone into the bottom floor of the house, and the rough blonde woman is there without her top on (just the bra part, the part around her stomach was still there), and her dude has this roll of black electrical tape, and he's holding a strip of it in his mouth and cutting off chunks with these really mean-looking pliers, that look mean but probably are actually less harmful than scissors of equivalent size, and then he's putting the strips of tape in circles around the rough blonde woman's nipple - a small piece vertically to the side of one nipple, and another small piece vertically to the other side of the nipple, and then a small piece below the nipple, and another one above, and then maybe a couple on each side, so that it's like this sunburst of black tape, with her nipple sticking out over a quarter inch.

"[The swinger lady's first name] says no nudity outside, but she says this is okay!", the blonde woman said, brightly.

Then, since he was just finishing up, her guy took these two small silver bells and hung them on her, one on each nipple.

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