Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Swingers's BBQ (16 of several): The salons.

"So," I was like, "Where are these salons anyways?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to tell," she was like, "But I will," and she told me the intersection, and it turns out that it's right near this major intersection on the way to the Puerto Rican neighborhood where my one Dutch friend used to live.

"You should go," she said. "They have BDSM and swingers mixers for the younger set and they're great."

"And," she was like, "You would have no problem actually going in."

"What do you mean by that?", I was like.

"Well, it's a set of rickety stairs that smell like urine. But you're young and brave, that shouldn't be a problem for you."

Then she paused again. "And plus, I'm probably thinking more of how tough it is to leave the place sometimes, especially when you're in really tall high heels."

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