Monday, July 27, 2009

The Swingers's BBQ (17 of several): Chit-chat with the UU sex educator.

So, the UU sex educator who comes a lot to the movie series was at the bbq with this really nice musician/carpenter guy who I guess has been her boyfriend for years now... They have a blended family, and met through a breastfeeding support group when they were both married to other people.

(I was actually surprised they were together, for a while I thought she was with the older ethnically Italian guy who used to be a thug but is now a sexologist, they have a very good and intimate conversational style...

For example, a couple social hours ago, the ethnically Italian guy was reminiscing like old people often do, only about this one German bar where the owner used to get hammered along with the patrons and fall asleep on the counter, and how it was a surprise that no one ever used to rip off the cash register.

"And was this last year or 30 years, ago, [his name]?", the UU sex educator asked, and it turned out that it was in the early 80s.

I think the Italian guy is right, that his sexology has allowed him to have intimacy with a greater number of women in ways unconnected to sex, as he told me one time - I could have sworn they knew each other more than they did.)

Anyhow, she was talking about how living in the city like 15 years ago, the big baseball team here didn't pre-sell the bleacher seats, but rather sold them on game day for $5, and so you would wait in line for hours with friends drinking and it was this whole culture of "bleacher bums", and then you would sit there even before batting practice started, and by the time the 4pm game rolled around you were already toasted.


JUSIPER said...

you know what, i missed your original post on that italian guy--it was terrific.

el blogador said...

that's why I've started linking in old posts about the people who I mention, so people can catch up on them if they miss something. i think it's helpful, it seems.

JUSIPER said...

Very helpful. Especially since I missed a few weeks while I was out.