Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tales of the gym.

So, my one friend who volunteers at the rape crisis hotline and used to work at the gym desk on campus said she's had a fair share of people take advantage of her being trapped behind the desk while she was working and say lots of weird things:

1) One older white guy said she had nice hair, and asked her to cut off a piece of it for him.

2) One younger white guy was like, "You smell nice," and then after a pause was like, "Is that Chanel?"

She also said she's gotten a few dates from the gym desk, and one boyfriend. She says being able to watch guys work out helps, too, since the guys who seem cute but then try to lift too much weight for themselves she writes off, since she says they seem nice, but you can tell they have self-image problems.

Also, she said once this 30-something grad student kept hitting on Artemis whenever he was at the gym, and since she's young, she didn't know how to avoid giving him her phone number one time when he asked, but right after she gave it to him and he was walking away, she was like, "You know I'm in high school, right?", and the guy stopped and turned around and faced her and was like, "Really?", and then deleted her phone number and turned and went to walk off.

Then, he stopped, turned back to her, and was like, "So when do you turn eighteen?", and he meant it.

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