Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My cell phone has died.

I've been having problems with the 5/jkl button for a while, and recently it's started having buttons stick for now reason and then the whole thing restarts (a bitch when I'm writing texts, since when it re-boots the entire text I was working on is gone, it's the worst when I was just about to press "send"), and all this winter when I've been talking outside sometimes the battery goes to zero and the phone shuts off if it's cold outside - sometimes, too, the battery skips down from 4 bars to 1 bar of power when it's on the 4, and then when it's on the 1 bar of power and it goes to 0, the phone acts like it's going to short out but then it just goes to 3 bars of power like it had been - but yesterday night I was talking on it, and it gave this continuous beep and shut down, and now when I push a button to restart it, it just starts up and lights up, but then shuts down automatically, just as the NOKIA screen is on the verge of appearing, which causes this frustration almost like premature ejaculation, since every time I think the phone's going to start working again but what do you know, it doesn't.

So, today I'm going to the store to get it fixed, or get a new one.


JUSIPER said...

I feel so honored. Unless you hung up on me and it happened on your next call, which would be kind of funny.

JUSIPER said...

Do you b1og from your ce11 phone?

el blogador said...

It was that call.

I can't blog from my phone. I can only call/text. I don't even have a camera in it.