Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Odd dreams last night: several.

I had several odd dreams last night:

In one, I was with a friend who lives in neighborhood north of the city, and I dreamed we were looking at maps figuring out which subway line to take back to take to his house in case we were too late to catch the subway line that has a stop by his house. Only, the map looked nothing like the area he lived in, and the subway lines were all different, and he was living near a stadium and sections of ghetto, though eventually we figured out we could take the brown line to the northwest of his house and then cross across a deserted stadium parking lot if we missed the last train. We discussed whether we'd be robbed or fucked with crossing the parking lot at night, and we decided we'd probably be fine.

In my other dream, I was carefully going down this mildly steep hillside in Alaska with my brother and his girlfriend and in the tall grass in front of us I could see a couple places where the grass had been matted down from where grizzlies had slept, only when we got up closer -- I was in front -- this grizzly I hadn't seen reared up slowly and was standing on its back paws and I began to back away, wondering whether I should try to make noise so it wouldn't fuck with me, when all of a sudden it whapped its hands together once, and then it did it again, and then again and again and started walking off to its left, and at that moment I realized it was a tall person in a bear costume and the hillside had melted away into the studio audience of a talkshow I was on, and the steep hill we had come down was actually just the stairway down the middle of one part of the audience seats.

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