Friday, September 21, 2007

The Danish Haven: Two more silverfish.

There were two more silverfish in the Danish Haven last night.

When I came home last night from drinking, I decided to tap the tasteful chrome base of my upright softly-lighting crepe IKEA lamp, and a quite large silverfish skittered out to the right of it and I squashed it with the upper part of my house sandals, and then had to walk across the floor with that part of my foot upraised, so the remains wouldn't rub off and stain my tasteful natural-fiber IKEA carpet with dark brown accents that pick up the wood of my vintage 1950s lamp on one of the nearby sidetables. I was able to pick the silverfish out of my sandal tread with toilet paper, and its torso was about the size of three halved toothpicks bound together.

After I got out of the shower and turned my floorlamp back on, I saw a smaller silverfish skitter out from and then back into a gap in the wainscotting.

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