Monday, September 17, 2007

The Color Purple: The theater, etc.

Like last weekend when I was downtown I happened to be just west of the streets where I normally am and I ran across the theater where the musical of "The Color Purple" was playing, and it was just after a performance, so swarms of black women from early 30s on up in all sorts of kente cloths and purple swathes of scarves and muumuus just flooded out of the theater and into my path, and I had to walk against them to go on my way, and as it happens, as I was downtown this past Saturday and was angling across downtown to walk up to an artfair where a friend of mine from home was working at, the same thing happened again, only I was stopped at the crosswalk with this middle-aged black woman from the audience and got to ask her how the play was. She had looked perturbed anyways, and was like, "Four hours, can you believe that?, the woman behind me was eating for four hours! She ate before the play, she ate during the play, and she was eating when we got up to go. I want to know, how much more can one person eat!"

"Well," I was like, "At least it wasn't carrots."

The woman actually like that, and laughed and lightened up a little.


JUSIPER said...


el blogador said...

Carrots are the steretypical loud food someone can eat.