Saturday, August 10, 2024

Peculiarity after a rainstorm late one night several weeks ago... my one cottage in the (college) town that I now live in:

The power is off in my bathroom and with my electric stove, but my refrigerator still hums, and it's on everywhere else, and flipping the fuses on and off doesn't do anything.

And, I get a text from the electric company that there might be an outage affecting me, and they're aware of that outage and they're on it as soon as possible.

Then, mid-morning the next day when the weather is nice again, I wake up since my white noise machine cuts off, and I get up and go look around, and electricity is off everywhere in my cottage, and then I go back to sleep and a bit later it turns on again, and that wakes me up again and so I get up and go look around, and what do you know, everything is back on, and I get a text from the electric company that power has been restored.

My father said then, when I spoke with him on the phone, that somehow my cottage must have two different electrical feeds, and one was affected by the storm, and the other one wasn't.

Like an hour after he said that, too, I see my one (thin) (jumpy) front neighbor and I ask him if his apartment had any power outages after the storm, and he says yes, and it was weird, like one outlet in their living room wouldn't work, but the other would, but now everything is fine.

The next time I saw my landlord, too, I mention the whole thing to him, and he says that's what the people in the front house said, too, and he never knew about it, but somehow the house must be at the intersection of two different feeds.

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