Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A restaurant joke...

...from the other week at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

I'm sweeping the floor everywhere as part of my closing tasks, and just as I'm sweeping in front of the small hallway that goes back into the kitchen, the one (younger) (Lao) cook is coming out to go get some water or something from the soda machine, so as he goes to go past my broom, I shift and start sweeping ahead of his path ahead of him as he walks, like I've seen (priests) do as part of ceremonies in front of people carrying (divine images) in like (Hindu) or (Buddhist) ceremonies or wherever, and it takes him a few seconds to catch on to what I'm doing, but when he does, he does a serious double-take and cracks a smile.

. . .

(He then confirms that yes, he's seen something like that in [Buddhist] rituals, too.]

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