Sunday, August 4, 2024

A good problem to have:

Buying too much stuff at the local farmer's market, in the one (college) town that I now live in.

I get home, and I'm like, "Oh my god, I bought way too many cucumbers, and I forgot I got those beets! Guess I'll just have to eat a lot of huge salads now!

I'm kind of in with the (older) (Lao) woman at the farmer's market, too, who I've consistently bought from for the past few seasons.

The other week she was like, "Here, take one more," and she threw another bundle of kale at me, and she was like, explaining herself, "You are always so nice and buy from me."

I also save my leftover rubber bands for her; I bind them up with an old long twistie-tie left over from bread or the bulk-foods aisle at the local co-op, and then like once or twice a season I give her a big neatly-bound bundle of rubber bands.

She seems very appreciative.

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