Friday, August 9, 2024

A weight-loss craze... I can maybe lose 5-6 pounds in 3 weeks and button my blazer for a wedding this month:

I commit myself to 10 jumping jacks for every sit-down customer who comes in while I work a shift at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, since it makes it a game but it also keeps your heart-rate up on shift, so you burn more calories.

(I also switched to ramrong with chicken and minimal white rice and peanut sauce as my go-to shift meal, and I drink like Whiteclaw shit if I have a patio drink now, and I also have cut out pretzels as a late-night snack, substituting in sugar-free jello, instead.)

Sometimes I do the jumping jacks by the counter, but the (husband) owner almost caught me once, so I now do them when I'm sure the owners are gone, or in the bathroom, or around by the edge of the front patio out of sight of the front windows, if I'm out there to do something and there's no customers sitting there.

One night, too, I was saying to my one (older) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phones that I had like 90 left to do and I had done over 200 that day, and she told me in so many words that no I didn't, she didn't see me do them, so they don't count, she has to see me.

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