Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A dream peculiarity.

There's been a few times where I've had repeated features in dreams.

Like, years ago I had this very vivid dream about a far neighborhood of a city that I used to live in, where there was sloping hills coming down to an intersection with a few stores and a bar, and beyond that a more-traditional neighborhood found on the other side of a stony tunnel, and before that some fields from where the city got low-density, with small clumps of trees and some stand-alone shack-like businesses, only there is no such place in that city, and I've dreamed the same geography several times in different dreams -- like once I dreamnt about the general neighborhood, and then in another dream I was on a long bike trip and I was bicycling past the intersection by the hills, and then in another dream I was passing the field, and each time I knew how it all fit together, geographically, in every dream that I was in, like I was building or discovering the geography across the dreams.

Anyhow, I had that same geography in a dream the other night, where I met a (vaguely hipster) (white) HS teacher who I knew in my dream but not in real life (?) for drinks at the business by the hills, and it was surprisingly hopping, and then we hopped a bus to go through the tunnel so he could get back to where he lives and I could catch the train from the nearby subway station, and some businesses that we passed on the way there were hopping, too, and as I walk him back towards where he lives before I split off, he mentions moving out there because of his girlfriend, who's lived there for a long time because she teaches at a nearby elite private high school, and that the area has a new influx of residents because of cheaper rents but they're going up, and he tells me, too, about some cooler stately old homes tucked away on a hillside even further towards the outskirts, and as I walk towards the subway station past railway tracks and highways, I think that while I was all the way out there, I maybe should have taken a half hour or an hour and gone for a walk and seen the homes that he was telling me about.

And then, I wake up.

All in all, very strange, especially the repeated landscape.

It would not surprise me a bit to one day be someplace, and find all of those places, in real life.

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