Thursday, August 8, 2024

A bad habit of some (non-tipping) (takeout) customers...

...who are not always (South Asian), but sometimes (often?) are:

They ask for water to drink while they wait, and then they just leave the glass out at the table where they waited without even looking around to see if there's anywhere where they can bus it, and so we end up having to do extra work for them with getting the water and then cleaning up after them.

I mean, it's not much work, but still, just because you buy something from a restaurant doesn't make everyone who works there your servant.

I feel so often with (foreign-born) customers that it's like a part of their brain got left out, because they don't get the social function of tipping, like how even giving one single dollar or perhaps two lets you be able to ask for something like that, without any hard feelings...

On that note, a few weeks ago a (younger) (South Asian) couple parked curbside and walked in to pick up some medium-large takeout order for the both of them, and there was no tip, and after they left, my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker was like, "Look, they have an expensive car, and nothing for tip," which I hadn't really keyed into, since I never really notice cars.

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