Sunday, May 7, 2023

Two More Declines in Two More Job Sectors:

1) A bit ago, my one (Mormon) colleague mentioned that he thinks he's starting to see use of AI in undergrad writing assignments, but he doesn't want to challenge it because admin won't support him and things could go violent with guns.

2) In my area, there was a letter in the local newspaper about how all the homes for the disabled and elderly are shortstaffed and subpar, and how they had to go to another town a ways away to find decent care for a loved one...  

(Even if I had managed to move out of direct care and into some cool memory care stuff or working-with-families stuff like I had wanted to, who would want to work at a center where you're shortstaffed and there's accidents and legal lockdowns and routine awfulness, indefinitely?! Once places collapse like that, it's really, really hard to restore equilibrium, since you can't retain any new staff and so you're left with this default work environment that drives people out and is just rife with blame and abuse and suspicion.)

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