Saturday, May 27, 2023

Life advice from a random bar patron.

The other week I was at the local brewery that I go to, and the one old bohemian guy with the (Japanese) (stewardess) girlfriend was in there, with some (young) (ponytailed) (white) guy who I had never seen before.

And, like always happens, the bohemian guy talks up my research pursuits, and how I just do in my spare time as a passion, since it truly impresses him.

Later, the (young) (ponytailed) (white) guy and him were outdoors, too, and the young guy like out of nowhere was like, "That's cool, you do what the f*ck you want, when you wake up in the morning, you should look in the mirror and point at yourself and be like, I do what the f*ck I want."

Then, he was like, "Really, you should try it, just wake up, look in the mirror, and be like, I do what the f*ck I want."

Then, he was like, again, "Just try it."

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