Saturday, January 1, 2022

Solidarity in typos.

Right when I moved into my new apartment, I got a two-volume academic book set shipped in from abroad, and I noticed that although the invoice had everything spelled correctly, there was an extra "-t" at the end of my street name, which I couldn't quite figure out why it got there, and I chalked it up to a non-native speaker of English assembling the shipping label.

Then, later that month, I was changing my billing address on an online music-and-books site when I was going to order a CD, and I noticed that I had made the same exact typo in writing my own address, and I had to go back and correct it before I placed my order.

Oddly enough, no "t" appears in my street name, so there must be something in the way that you type that goes and makes you do that, although I can't quite figure out exactly what it is.

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