Sunday, December 26, 2021

New college town people (3 of 8): Museum.

On the way to the academic library in the college town that I now live in, to check out some books after getting my access card from there, I stopped through the campus museum to check out its hours and Covid protocols and also its ancient exhibits, since admission was free and it was on my way and the library that I was going to was open late that day.

And, the (college age) (somewhat skinny) (pleasant) (darker black) (twenty-something) (female) student at the front desk there said that at this time of year it's usually dead on weekdays, and she'd been there all afternoon and maybe three people had come in.

So, I went to check out the exhibits, which were a bit underwhelming apart from this one thing, and on the way out I hit the restroom and picked my stuff up from the locker room there and then said goodbye to her on my way out, as I got a squirt of hand sanitizer from the big bottle of hand sanitizer sitting on the desk in front of her.

"So," I was like, "Have you ever noticed the...?", and then I went on to describe this one palace tile that they had upstairs, that was tied to this one hugely pivotal civilizational moment from a major well-known ancient civilization all the way on the other side of the world, but that people don't necessarily appreciate or even really know about it.

"Yeah," she was like, "I have noticed that."

So, I briefly described the religious and cultural development a bit more, and you could tell that she was really into it, and then I was like, "And isn't it crazy that this sh*t is just sitting here in a museum in [area of the state that we're in], I know that that's how they used to do it, just go around and rip sh*t out of places and cart it off and give it to people, that was colonialism, but still, that's crazy, that this sh*t is just sitting up there all day and it's just like, there."

"Yeah," she was like, and she had like a slightly amused look on her face and chuckled a bit, like she was into it and agreed with me but I also kind of got her by articulating something that she automatically agreed with but had never really thought about before that much.

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