Sunday, January 2, 2022

Omicron levity.

Right when omicron was hitting but people maybe weren't necessarily tuning in, I was going and reminding everyone and their brother to go get boosted and to go into lockdown.

So, as part of that, I texted my one lawyer friend from Missouri and her one bar manager friend from her neighborhood, to start being cautious and to maybe skip midnight mass this year because of the omicron variant.

(I specifically mentioned midnight mass because we had all gone together for a few years, before the pandemic, and they have this one specific church with good music that my one lawyer friend from Missouri likes to go to.)

Anyhow, like right away I get a text back from her one bar manager friend from the neighborhood saying -

Do you think the 7pm mass would be safer?

- followed by -

Jk ! ;)

- to which I texted back -

Funny not funny lol 

. . .

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