Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bells and whistles.

There's so many bells and whistles on the one popular language-learning app that I downloaded, that I almost feel like I'm playing the slots at a suburban casino that I went to one time with my one art school colleague who wears (women's) clothes.

One of the things that they do, too, is put you in a league against 30 other app users, to see who can get the most language-learning points for a week and then advance to the next league, and as you advance up the ranks, you can put little icons by your avatar, like a flexing arm muscle or a trophy or whatnot.

They also let you put the flag of the country whose language you're learning, but I was saving it, and as soon as I got to #1 for the first time ever the other night, I put the little (Romanian) flag icon by my avatar, as an all like "Eat that, f*ckers!" kind of thing, so that all the other people that I was competing against would have to look at the (Romanian) flag, and these are people who are all around the entire world, too.

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