Wednesday, February 24, 2021

More food strategization methods.

A big part of my food strategization to avoid going to the grocery store during Covid is my trying to plan ahead for my having salads as long as possible.

The last time that I went to the store, romaine lettuce and kale was on sale, so I got three of each, to use the romaine first, and then the kale, since kale keeps longer and freshens up in a vinegar dressing even if it gets dried out first, since it can soak in the vinegar at the bottom of the bowl and through that it softens up.

I also got a lot of beets, since you can boil beets and then cube them and then combine them with raw onions and vinegar for a nice salad, and that's full of vitamins, and beets keep forever and you can just keep them in the bottom drawer of your fridge, and even if they get moldy, you can cut the moldy pieces of skin off with a potato peeler, easy.

Also, since I taped packages of spaghetti and linguine together to make weights to use for my daily ten-minute coronavirus workout, I always have it in the back of my mind that if I ever need pasta, I can always disassemble one of my weights.

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