Tuesday, February 23, 2021

More Covid fallout in higher education.

At my last employer in higher education, freshman writing classes were allocated first to current students and then to graduates, probably to avoid unionization and labor issues by having teachers maximally also be students.

It was the way admin mandated it, but at least the immediate supervisors were transparent and nice, and they did what they could to be fair. It was what it was.

Anyhow, the last term of the year almost always had less sections offered, usually to the point where only current students could teach, not graduates.

This year an email went out...  There's probably going to be only **two** sections available! TWO! For everyone!

What a f*cking mess.

How can students who are just scraping by anyways going to make up that money?

In the current way so many jobs are structured, people really are disposable.

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