Friday, February 26, 2021

Black-on-black hatred.

Every once in a while at the resthome when the topic of crime here in the city comes up, my one (edgy) (Ethiopian) coworker is like, "I hate black people," and from the way she says it and how often she brings it up, you can tell it's something that she says at least partially to push boundaries and maybe to push people's buttons, too.

Anyhow, the other week she talked more about how she used to work as a parking lot attendant at a parking garage downtown, and how 3 times she got robbed.

"What was the race of the robbers?", I was like.

"All black," she was like. "I hate black people."

Then, she told me that one day this (black) lawyer, "very dark skin," who came in to park a lot asked her why she didn't ever say hi back to him, when he said hi to her.

"He say, 'Did black people rob you?', and I say yes, and he say, 'I understand,' he say that, 'I understand.'"

And, she told that to me like it simply proved her point, forever.

. . .

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