Sunday, May 17, 2020

Coronavirus synchronicity.

Since I can't go out to write at bars right after work anymore, and since I'd be shutting down by the time I got home and showered and cleaned myself up and tried to write, now and then I've been staying after work to use the computer in the library of the resthome, to try to work for a few hours right after work while I'm still hyped up from all the running around I have to do at my job since it's such active work all the time.

Anyhow, a few nights I've managed to work till almost like 1:30am, and the resthome resident who's a retired nurse has seen me in the hallway there, since she's a night owl and goes there some nights to do some exercises of hers.

"You're here late," she remarked the first time that she saw me.

And, I was just pooping out and I talked with her, and I realized that if I really push myself, I make it to around the time when it'd be closing time at the bar, only I'm working at the resthome instead.

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