Wednesday, May 20, 2020

One dream: Building.

Last month I dreamnt -

I've seen a newspaper advertisement about buying an $80-90K studio apartment condo, and I'm in a big long 3-story brick building that's like an old industrial building, but inside there's bare earth and hills and even grass and greenery in some places.

In the large central room that's a major portion of the exact central interior, there's a sunken pool in the center and a high ceiling going up several stories, and it's very light apart from shadows cast from the walls, and there's high hills around the edges where you have to walk and creep on some small paths that have been worn in, and now and then there's these large thick fragments of glass, and someone I'm with points out that they're panes of glass that have fallen off the wall and shattered there.

I know I'm in Milwaukee, and I emerge into a finished lobby with light colored tile and some office-like tables and chairs, and on an end-table there's a binder advertising the building's luxury condo conversion.

. . .

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