Saturday, April 27, 2019

Librarians are such nice people.

Librarians can be such nice people.

The other week I was doing some research at the city's main library branch downtown, and I decided to pop by this one nearby law school's library, to follow up on an email that I had sent them almost two weeks earlier to see if I could come in and consult a book but I had never heard back about.

The security guard at the building entrance called up, and then she asked me when I had written them, and then she said to wait, and the next thing I knew I had an escort upstairs, and they had the book for me to consult and take notes from, and they said I could stay there and do it.

As it turned out, the book was super helpful and I read and took notes from it for over an hour.

I thanked them on the way out, and the security guard downstairs too, and I wrote a thank-you note to follow up.

They're a private school, and they *totally* didn't have to do that. 

It saved me about a couple of hours of travel time, to get to another copy I could have consulted.

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