Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A reflection on taxes this year.

This year my taxes were something else, what with income from five jobs, the revised form making me need a few schedules and then a few forms to support those few schedules, and then the check I had to pay the IRS, which required a form too to send in with everything.

(All together, I had to send in like 13 different pieces of paper for my federal return, me, who made like $28,000 last year, in what was relatively a good year, though it didn't feel like it at the time, especially since it wasn't clear till summer that I could get a consistent forty hours a week of work.)

All in all, I had to pay like $1400 to the feds and the state, most to the feds.

That caused problems in itself, since I had to figure out if I should get a loan from the IRS or the bank or make my balance go really low, which opens up problems of "less than the minimum balance" fees.

Even though a loan from the IRS would have had the fee waived since my income is so low, I decided to take out a new credit card with zero percent interest for a over a year, since even though I'd have a percentage fee on my balance transfer, I'd still save on interest overall, and that would make it just one thing to pay off and I know that I can do that in a year.

What nonsense, all this makes me do, when I have so little income and am already getting shafted in so many ways.

And it really makes me mad how many rich people and rich corporations pay no taxes at all, and suddenly me who has nothing has to come up with $1400 or a plan to pay that, amidst all these intricacies.

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