Sunday, April 28, 2019

Addendum, on Lack of Academic Library Access.

I'm trying to adjust to not having an academic library, and so far it's going pretty well.

My city's public library can ILL articles, and from the two test cases that I sent through, they got me electronic copies of stuff that didn't cost me or them anything at all, and they got them pretty quickly, too.

We'll see how it goes with books from university presses.  I've bought for myself used copies of major stuff that I know I'll need long-term, and as for other books, my city's public library actually already had a hard copy of one that I needed to read from a bit.

Right now I'm thinking that I can ILL or buy what I need, or I can find hard copies in area university libraries that I can go in to and read at during public access hours.

My own school that I graduated from and taught at has alumni borrowing privileges that I could buy, but $250 a year is too much for me right now, and plus what with all the money I gave them from tuition and working at low wages, why would I do that.

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