Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Jigsaw Puzzles (3 of 3): At the resthome.

The other week when I was at work right after I'd delivered those donation jigsaw puzzles from my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair), I stopped through the reading room after dinner and chitchatted with the one resident who really likes to do puzzles and is really good at them, since her and her friend were sitting around and chit-chatting at the jigsaw puzzle table while she was doing them.

Since there had been a little tension over workers doing some of the puzzles, I reminded her that I'd donated some and that I had just donated two thousand pieces more, so that should be good for me to work on it for a bit.

"You can do a couple," she was like.

"Just a couple?!", I was like, "That's like one piece per thousand, that's not fair."

After I had worked on the puzzle for a minute or two, I got called off to work, and then I came back twenty minutes later after I'd finished up with that, since it was a slow part of the night where I didn't have many duties to do quite yet.

As it turns out, right before I got back, her friend had accidentally knocked a small paper plate with a bunch of puzzle pieces onto the floor, so she asked me to go pick them up for her.

I did, and then when I had flipped them all right-side up on the small paper plate, the one resthome resident who's really good at doing puzzles was like, "You missed one," and she said that without even turning or really looking at the floor, and then when I looked down sure enough there was a piece with a picture of dappled leaves, and it was sitting out on a spotted piece of carpet so that it was super hard to see.

"Sheesh," I was like, "You wonder why she's so much better at this than us, and then she can see that piece out on the floor like that from far away, when it's camouflaged like a tiger or a zebra or something."

"Yes I did," she was like.

Then, she was like, "Don't worry, I have more years doing this than you do."

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