Saturday, November 15, 2014

My one hippie friend from Michigan's got a lover.

So my one hippie friend from Michigan has been hooking up with a manager from a local restaurant for over a month now.

The other day, she came to campus to give me a check with some $ I loaned her, and she walked me up to the building of the one class I'm TAing, both to chit-chat since we hadn't seen each other in a while, and also so she could go downstairs and use the restroom there since she really needed to pee.

At the building as I was heading up the stairs, she was going down the stairs to go use the restroom in the basement level, and we still kept talking a bit, and finally, right before I had to go, she was like, "Honestly, this is the best cock I've been getting in my life, but how do I tell a middle-aged black man from Mississippi that America is by no means a 'bootstrap nation'?".

Then, as I turned to go upstairs, I see a freshman in my class who had just come in, and I had to wonder how much of what my friend said he overheard.

Then, I had to wonder, if he *did* overhear it, what does that make him think about who I am.

Anyhow, me and my one hippie friend from Michigan actually ended up hanging out that night too, and she told me that she and the restaurant manager got really drunk and had a threesome, and though she doesn't remember this, he told her the next day that as he had her bent over and was f*cking her up the ass from behind and she was eating pussy, she kept saying, "I taste life! I taste creation!" over and over again in between eating pussy.

She laughed as she told me what she had been saying.

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