Monday, November 10, 2014

City terrors: Raids on busses.

The other day in the university library I ran into this one (middle-aged) (neighborhood) (black) woman I know who frequents the library for its fast internet connection, since she can do that since has a degree from the university.

"Hey sugar," she called out when she saw me (she always calls me "sugar" and gives me a hug whenever she sees me), and then she called me over, since we had caught sight of each other across the first floor foyer from quite some ways away.

Then, when I got up to her, straightaway without any formalities she was like, "Remember to be careful on the bus," and she told me about how she and her friend the other day like 8pm on a weekday got off the subway and had just missed a bus, then on the next bus they ended up passing the first bus, and it was pulled over with police cars all around it.

She said gangs of kids have been invading busses and stealing from passengers; someone stops the bus to get on as a passenger, then a big group enters through the back door and they walk through the aisles demanding stuff from people.

At first it was iPhones, but now it's wallets, and on that one bus she was almost on, they ended up beating up some little (white) university student and giving him a black eye, though he never went to the emergency room.

"Damn," I was like.  "That's insane.  I bet it's the bad economy, people are getting desperate since things have been so bad for so long."

"I know," she was like, "That's what I think too."

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