Thursday, September 5, 2013

Motion Sickness.

The new kind of subway cars that the city bought are causing a lot of people motion sickness.

I thought it was just me, but I saw a grad student who I know the other day, and she said that she now keeps dramamine in her purse.

The rides are smooth and the car doesn't jerk around, so you're much more sensitive to the stop-and-go motion of the car when the driver rides the brakes.

Last month I was so queasy by the time that I got to school, that I actually walked half a block and then began to vomit up my breakfast as I was crossing an intersection.  I stopped and sat on a fire hydrant and finished my vomiting, and there was this big patch of orange and tan vomit, from my morning raw carrots and hummus on toast. 

A (black) (male) traffic director who was in the nearby street called over to ask if I was okay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dramamine makes me sleepy. She should try something else.