Monday, September 2, 2013

Africans driving.

There's some West Africans (mostly Nigerians) who live in my neighborhood.

The other month, I was stopped at a light on a sidestreet, in the lefthand turn lane, waiting for it to change so I could make a lefthand turn and be on my way.

Then, I heard a honk behind me, and there's 2 fat (black) women in African garb sitting all in their black SUV, and the driver waves her hand for me to get out of the way, even though the light hasn't changed.

Did she think bikes don't belong on the road, or that they shouldn't follow traffic signals?

She looked mean, too.

Like three or four days after, I was biking on a semi-major street and going across a major street, when this car zooms out in front of me, then makes a sharp righthand turn directly in front of me, then slams on his brakes, since pedestrians just got to the point in the crosswalk that prevented him from making a righthand turn.

I slammed on my brakes, and fortunately the person behind me did too, though they honked their horn out of suprise.

As I biked past, I looked in, and I think the driver was a(n African) guy.

I honestly think that people from some cultures drive aggressively and think they own the road, and don't care about bicyclists (and I follow traffic laws!).

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