Monday, November 5, 2012

Saturday volunteering in Wisc.

Here goes:

1) The central Obama campaign is giving election night party credentials for downtown Chicago (party this year is at McCormick convention center, not Grant Park) if anyone volunteered in Wisconsin or Iowa.  2 Saturdays ago, 17 volunteers came up from Chi, last Sat. about 60, this past Sat. -- I would say about 200-300.

The canvassing for the entire city where I was got covered once on the morning shift, and again on the afternoon shift.

A lot of other cities near the border were similarly flooded with volunteers, and rumor that busses were leaving to Madison, Milwaukee, and Green Bay.

2) I ran across a couple hispanic households, where people weren't citizens but had Obama signs up.  In one, the lady has been here on a green card forever, but her daughter is a citizen and can vote.

"She lives in Nevada," she told me.  "I keep telling her to vote for me!  Don't worry, she'll be voting."

At another place, this (short) (young) (Mexican) guy with a moustache and goatee biked up, and I talked with him a bit...

Turns out he was only 16.

"But you have a moustache!", I was like, and at that he stroked his beard and laughed.

He didn't have that good English, he said, but he said his parents was worse.

I asked, and no-one in his house was citizens...  There were several doors to the house and I was wondering if it was a house that had been split up into apartments (there's a lot of those type of houses in the city), but he was like, "No, this house, it is all my family."

"Even there?", I was like, and pointed to a door where there was an Obama-Biden logo cut out from same paper and taped to the glass on the upper part of the outer door.

"Yes, that is us," he was like.  "We all love Obama, but we can't vote."

3) One (middle-aged) (white) woman who lived by the railroad tracks was heading in from her car when I went around with a clipboard, so I called out to her and was like, "Hi, I'm going door-to-door for the Obama campaign...", and at that she held out her hand and was like, "Oh no, I'm voting the other way."

Usually you just say thanks and leave, but I was like, "You know, if Romney gets in office, your taxes will probably go up like $2000/year so he can give tax cuts to the mega-rich who aren't already paying their fair share."

At that, she said in a passive-aggressive and mock good-natured way, "You know, if Obama gets elected, illegals will continue to take our jobs."

So much hate.

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